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Monday, June 18, 2012 | comments

Pitch Perfect Trailer Official 2012 [1080 HD] - Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow
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Charles J Guiteau
In 1881, silk top hats and bow ties were the height of gentlemanly fashion, monocles were the preferred means of corrective vision, and the suggested greeting on newfangled telephone contraptions was a cheerful “ahoy-hoy”. One June Saturday of that year, as the sweaty, swampy summer was just beginning to settle over Washington DC, a gentleman strolled into the US capital’s district jail on the banks of the Anacostia River. The visitor was well-dressed, about 40 years of age, slight of frame, and sunken of cheek. A weedy patch of gray-tinged whiskers sprouted from his chin, and his face was punctuated by a pair of dark, wide-set eyes which were predisposed to shiftiness. He was an attorney named Charles J Guiteau. He approached the attending guard at the Bastille jail and requested a tour of the facilities. Deputy Warden Russ eyeballed the man, as deputy wardens do, and explained that visitors were only allowed to tour on particular days. Undeterred, Mr Guiteau surveyed the fraction of the structure that he could see from the office, and remarked that the facility was, “a very excellent jail.” The steadfast deputy warden urged the would-be sightseer to return at a more appropriate time. Mr Guiteau decided that he would do exactly that, and departed.
Although Charles Guiteau was a licensed lawyer, his visit to the Bastille was not on behalf of a soon-to-be-incarcerated client. As he would later explain, he had visited the prison to “see what kind of quarters I would have to occupy.” Perhaps most importantly, he wanted to ensure that the structure would be able to withstand the angry mob that would soon pursue him. Such were the details that a gentleman must attend to when he plans to assassinate the president.

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The Encyclopedia of Islamic History (www.historyofislam.com) is the work of scholars whose intent is to create an enduring record of the role played by Islam in global history. It is maintained by the American Institute of Islamic History and Culture based in California. Professor Dr. Nazeer Ahmed (nazeer.ahmed@delixus.com) serves as its director.

History is a Sign from the heavens. The Qur’an declares: “I will show you My Signs on the horizon and within your own souls until you have certainty of faith”. ‘On the horizon’ means history and nature. Thus history and science take on a sacred character in as much as they are “Signs” from God. This guiding principle separates this encyclopedia from other works of similar nature.

In the fascinating panorama of the struggle of man on earth, faith has played a pivotal role. Each of the major religions of man imbues its followers with a particular vision of the transcendent and the relationship of the human to the transcendent. That particular vision governs to a large extent the relationship of each faith with the world at large. As the globe shrinks under the incessant impact of technology, men and women of different faiths need to come together to understand one another and shape a common human destiny.

Islam made its appearance on the world stage more than fourteen hundred years ago and immediately came into contact with the Persian and Byzantine worlds. As the Islamic world expanded it had to come to terms not just with the rationalism of the Greeks but with the belief systems of the Persians, the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Chinese. The Muslims learned, absorbed, amalgamated the ideas of the east and the west and gave to the world the empirical-scientific method, algebra, chemistry, arabesque, Tasawwuf and the Taj Mahal.

Centuries went by. There were short periods of conflict followed by long periods of cooperation between the world of Islam and the worlds of other faiths. The traces of these interactions have shaped the perceptions of Islam in the modern global consciousness.

Much of the work on Islamic history suffers from the limitation of an excessive focus on the Middle East. Islam is a global enterprise. The center of gravity of the Islamic world is closer to Delhi, Lahore and Kuala Lumpur than it is to Cairo and Baghdad. This work seeks to capture the panorama of Islamic history as it vaults the Afro-Eurasian continent from Morocco to Indonesia.

The encyclopedia is the work of Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, a scientist, scholar, historian, philanthropist and legislator. Much of the work first appeared in the Minaret magazine, New York during 1995-97 and was later compiled into a two-volume treatise “Islam in Global History – from the death of Prophet Muhammed to the First World War”. More articles have been added recently to capture some of the critical moments in the twentieth century.

An ambitious work of this magnitude cannot be the work of a single person. The American Institute of Islamic History which maintains this site invites articles from scholars around the world about historical events or the great men and women whose footprints have shaped the historical process. All articles will go through peer review and will be published with due credit to the authors. Please forward your articles to nazeer.ahmed@delixus.com.

The material in this encyclopedia may be used for reference and study by scholars, students and non-profit organizations provided due credit is given to the authors and the web site www.historyofislam.com. (Cross reference www.IRFI.org).

World of Islam

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World of Islam
The Spread of Islam
From the oasis cities of Makkah and Madinah in the Arabian desert, the message of Islam went forth with electrifying speed. Within half a century of the Prophet's death, Islam had spread to three continents. Islam is not, as some imagine in the West, a religion of the sword nor did it spread primarily by means of war. It was only within Arabia, where a crude form of idolatry was rampant, that Islam was propagated by warring against those tribes which did not accept the message of God--whereas Christians and Jews were not forced to convert. Outside of Arabia also the vast lands conquered by the Arab armies in a short period became Muslim not by force of the sword but by the appeal of the new religion. It was faith in One God and emphasis upon His Mercy that brought vast numbers of people into the fold of Islam. The new religion did not coerce people to convert. Many continued to remain Jews and Christians and to this day important communities of the followers of these faiths are found in Muslim lands.

Moreover, the spread of Islam was not limited to its miraculous early expansion outside of Arabia. During later centuries the Turks embraced Islam peacefully as did a large number of the people of the Indian subcontinent and the Malay-speaking world. In Africa also, Islam has spread during the past two centuries even under the mighty power of European colonial rulers. Today Islam continues to grow not only in Africa but also in Europe and America where Muslims now comprise a notable minority.
General Characteristics of Islam
Islam was destined to become a world religion and to create a civilization which stretched from one end of the globe to the other. Already during the early Muslim caliphates, first the Arabs, then the Persians and later the Turks set about to create classical Islamic civilization. Later, in the 13th century, both Africa and India became great centers of Islamic civilization and soon thereafter Muslim kingdoms were established in the Malay-Indonesian world while Chinese Muslims flourished throughout China.
Global Religion
Islam is a religion for all people from whatever race or background they might be. That is why Islamic civilization is based on a unity which stands completely against any racial or ethnic discrimination. Such major racial and ethnic groups as the Arabs, Persians, Turks, Africans, Indians, Chinese and Malays in addition to numerous smaller units embraced Islam and contributed to the building of Islamic civilization. Moreover, Islam was not opposed to learning from the earlier civilizations and incorporating their science, learning, and culture into its own world view, as long as they did not oppose the principles of Islam. Each ethnic and racial group which embraced Islam made its contribution to the one Islamic civilization to which everyone belonged. The sense of brotherhood and sisterhood was so much emphasized that it overcame all local attachments to a particular tribe, race, or language--all of which became subservient to the universal brotherhood and sisterhood of Islam.

The global civilization thus created by Islam permitted people of diverse ethnic backgrounds to work together in cultivating various arts and sciences. Although the civilization was profoundly Islamic, even non-Muslim "people of the book" participated in the intellectual activity whose fruits belonged to everyone. The scientific climate was reminiscent of the present situation in America where scientists and men and women of learning from all over the world are active in the advancement of knowledge which belongs to everyone.

The global civilization created by Islam also succeeded in activating the mind and thought of the people who entered its fold. As a result of Islam, the nomadic Arabs became torch-bearers of science and learning. The Persians who had created a great civilization before the rise of Islam nevertheless produced much more science and learning in the Islamic period than before. The same can be said of the Turks and other peoples who embraced Islam. The religion of Islam was itself responsible not only for the creation of a world civilization in which people of many different ethnic backgrounds participated, but it played a central role in developing intellectual and cultural life on a scale not seen before. For some eight hundred years Arabic remained the major intellectual and scientific language of the world. During the centuries following the rise of Islam, Muslim dynasties ruling in various parts of the Islamic world bore witness to the flowering of Islamic culture and thought. In fact this tradition of intellectual activity was eclipsed only at the beginning of modern times as a result of the weakening of faith among Muslims combined with external domination. And today this activity has begun anew in many parts of the Islamic world now that the Muslims have regained their political independence.
A Brief History of Islam
The Rightly guided Caliphs
Upon the death of the Prophet, Abu Bakr, the friend of the Prophet and the first adult male to embrace Islam, became caliph. Abu Bakr ruled for two years to be succeeded by 'Umar who was caliph for a decade and during whose rule Islam spread extensively east and west conquering the Persian empire, Syria and Egypt. It was 'Umar who marched on foot at the end of the Muslim army into Jerusalem and ordered the protection of Christian sites. 'Umar also established the first public treasury and a sophisticated financial administration. He established many of the basic practices of Islamic government.

'Umar was succeeded by 'Uthman who ruled for some twelve years during which time the Islamic expansion continued. He is also known as the caliph who had the definitive text of the Noble Quran copied and sent to the four corners of the Islamic world. He was in turn succeeded by 'Ali who is known to this day for his eloquent sermons and letters, and also for his bravery. With his death the rule of the "rightly guided" caliphs, who hold a special place of respect in the hearts of Muslims, came to an end.
The Caliphate
The Umayyad caliphate established in 661 was to last for about a century. During this time Damascus became the capital of an Islamic world which stretched from the western borders of China to southern France. Not only did the Islamic conquests continue during this period through North Africa to Spain and France in the West and to Sind, Central Asia and Transoxiana in the East, but the basic social and legal institutions of the newly founded Islamic world were established.
The Abbasids, who succeeded the Umayyads, shifted the capital to Baghdad which soon developed into an incomparable center of learning and culture as well as the administrative and political heart of a vast world.

They ruled for over 500 years but gradually their power waned and they remained only symbolic rulers bestowing legitimacy upon various sultans and princes who wielded actual military power. The Abbasid caliphate was finally abolished when Hulagu, the Mongol ruler, captured Baghdad in 1258, destroying much of the city including its incomparable libraries.

While the Abbasids ruled in Baghdad, a number of powerful dynasties such as the Fatimids, Ayyubids and Mamluks held power in Egypt, Syria and Palestine. The most important event in this area as far as the relation between Islam and the Western world was concerned was the series of Crusades declared by the Pope and espoused by various European kings. The purpose, although political, was outwardly to recapture the Holy Land and especially Jerusalem for Christianity. Although there was at the beginning some success and local European rule was set up in parts of Syria and Palestine, Muslims finally prevailed and in 1187 Saladin, the great Muslim leader, recaptured Jerusalem and defeated the Crusaders.
North Africa And Spain
When the Abbasids captured Damascus, one of the Umayyad princes escaped and made the long journey from there to Spain to found Umayyad rule there, thus beginning the golden age of Islam in Spain. Cordoba was established as the capital and soon became Europe's greatest city not only in population but from the point of view of its cultural and intellectual life. The Umayyads ruled over two centuries until they weakened and were replaced by local rulers.

Meanwhile in North Africa, various local dynasties held sway until two powerful Berber dynasties succeeded in uniting much of North Africa and also Spain in the 12th and 13th centuries. After them this area was ruled once again by local dynasties such as the Sharifids of Morocco who still rule in that country. As for Spain itself, Muslim power continued to wane until the last Muslim dynasty was defeated in Granada in 1492 thus bringing nearly eight hundred years of Muslim rule in Spain to an end.
After the Mangol Invasion
The Mongols devastated the eastern lands of Islam and ruled from the Sinai Desert to India for a century. But they soon converted to Islam and became known as the Il-Khanids. They were in turn succeeded by Timur and his descendents who made Samarqand their capital and ruled from 1369 to 1500. The sudden rise of Timur delayed the formation and expansion of the Ottoman empire but soon the Ottomans became the dominant power in the Islamic world.
Ottoman Empire
From humble origins the Turks rose to dominate over the whole of Anatolia and even parts of Europe. In 1453 Mehmet the Conqueror captured Constantinople and put an end to the Byzantine empire. The Ottomans conquered much of eastem Europe and nearly the whole of the Arab world, only Morocco and Mauritania in the West and Yemen, Hadramaut and parts of the Arabian peninsula remaining beyond their control. They reached their zenith of power with Suleyman the Magnificent whose armies reached Hungary and Austria. From the 17th century onward with the rise of Westem European powers and later Russia, the power of the Ottomans began to wane. But they nevertheless remained a force to be reckoned with until the First World War when they were defeated by the Westem nations. Soon thereafter Kamal Ataturk gained power in Turkey and abolished the six centuries of rule of the Ottomans in 1924.
While the Ottomans were concerned mostly with the westem front of their empire, to the east in Persia a new dynasty called the Safavids came to power in 1502. The Safavids established a powerful state of their own which flourished for over two centuries and became known for the flowering of the arts. Their capital, Isfahan, became one of the most beautiful cities with its blue tiled mosques and exquisite houses. The Afghan invasion of 1736 put an end to Safavid rule and prepared the independence of Afghanistan which occured fommally in the 19th century. Persia itself fell into tummoil until Nader Shah, the last Oriental conqueror, reunited the country and even conquered India. But the rule of the dynasty established by him was short-lived. The Zand dynasty soon took over to be overthrown by the Qajars in 1779 who made Tehran their capital and ruled until 1921 when they were in turn replaced by the Pahlavis.
As for India, Islam entered into the land east of the Indus River peacefully. Gradually Muslims gained political power beginning in the early 13th century. But this period which marked the expansion of both Islam and Islamic culture came to an end with the conquest of much of India in 1526 by Babur, one of the Timurid princes. He established the powerful Mogul empire which produced such famous rulers as Akbar, Jahangir, and Shah Jahan and which lasted, despite the gradual rise of British power in India, until 1857 when it was officially abolished.
Malaysia And Indonesia
Farther east in the Malay world, Islam began to spread in the 12th century in northem Sumatra and soon Muslim kingdoms were establishd in Java, Sumatra and mainland Malaysia. Despite the colonization of the Malay world, Islam spread in that area covering present day Indonesia, Malaysia, the southern Phililppines and southern Thailand, and is still continuing in islands farther east.
As far as Africa is concemed, Islam entered into East Africa at the very beginning of the Islamic period but remained confined to the coast for some time, only the Sudan and Somaliland becoming gradually both Arabized and Islamized. West Africa felt the presence of Islam through North African traders who travelled with their camel caravans south of the Sahara. By the 14th century there were already Muslim sultanates in such areas as Mali, and Timbuctu in West Africa and Harar in East Africa had become seats of Islamic leaming.

Gradually Islam penetrated both inland and southward. There also appeared major charismatic figures who inspired intense resistance against European domination. The process of the Islamization of Africa did not cease during the colonial period and continues even today with the result that most Africans are now Muslims carrying on a tradition which has had practically as long a history in certain areas of sub-Saharan Africa as Islam itself.
Islam in the United States
It is almost impossible to generalize about American Muslims: converts, immigrants, factory workers, doctors; all are making their own contribution to America's future. This complex community is unified by a common faith, underpinned by a countrywide network of a thousand mosques.

Muslims were early arrivals in North America. By the eighteenth century there were many thousands of them, working as slaves on plantations. These early communities, cut off from their heritage and families, inevitably lost their Islamic identity as time went by. Today many Afro-American Muslims play an important role in the Islamic community.

The nineteenth century, however, saw the beginnings of an influx of Arab Muslims, most of whom settled in the major industrial centers where they worshipped in hired rooms. The early twentieth century witnessed the arrival of several hundred thousand Muslims from Eastem Europe: the first Albanian mosque was opened in Maine in 1915; others soon followed, and a group of Polish Muslims opened a mosque in Brooklyn in 1928.

In 1947 the Washington Islamic Center was founded during the term of President Truman, and several nationwide organizations were set up in the fifties. The same period saw the establishment of other communities whose lives were in many ways modelled after Islam. More recently, numerous members of these groups have entered the fold of Muslim orthodoxy. Today there are about five million Muslims in America.
Aftermath of the Colonial Period
At the height of European colonial expansion in the 19th century, most of the Islamic world was under colonial rule with the exception of a few regions such as the heart of the Ottoman empire, Persia, Afghanistan, Yemen and certain parts of Arabia. But even these areas were under foreign influence or, in the case of the Ottomans, under constant threat. After the First World War with the breakup of the Ottoman empire, a number of Arab states such as Iraq became independent, others like Jordan were created as a new entity and yet others like Palestine, Syria and Lebanon were either mandated or turned into French colonies. As for Arabia, it was at this time that Saudi Arabia became finally consolidated. As for other parts of the Islamic world, Egypt which had been ruled by the descendents of Muhammad Ali since the l9th century became more independent as a result of the fall of the Ottomans, Turkey was turned into a secular republic by Ataturk, and the Pahlavi dynasty began a new chapter in Persia where its name reverted to its eastern traditional form of Iran. But most of the rest of the Islamic world remained under colonial rule.
It was only after the Second World War and the dismemberment of the British, French, Dutch and Spanish empires that the rest of the Islamic world gained its independence. In the Arab world, Syria and Lebanon became independent at the end of the war as did Libya and the shaykdoms around the Gulf and the Arabian Sea by the 1960's. The North African countries of Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria had to fight a difficult and, in the case of Algeria, long and protracted war to gain their freedom which did not come until a decade later for Tunisia and Morocco and two decades later for Algeria. Only Palestine did not become independent but was partitioned in 1948 with the establishment of the state of Israel.
In India Muslims participated in the freedom movement against British rule along with Hindus and when independence finally came in 1947, they were able to create their own homeland, Pakistan, which came into being for the sake of Islam and became the most populated Muslim state although many Muslims remained in India. In 1971, however, the two parts of the state broke up, East Pakistan becoming Bengladesh.
Far East
Farther east still, the Indonesians finally gained their independence from the Dutch and the Malays theirs from Britain. At first Singapore was part of Malaysia but it separated in 1963 to become an independent state. Small colonies still persisted in the area and continued to seek their independence, the kingdom of Brunei becoming independent as recently as 1984.
In Africa also major countries with large or majority Muslim populations such as Nigeria, Senegal and Tanzania began to gain their independence in the 1950's and 1960's with the result that by the end of the decade of the 60's most parts of the Islamic world were formed into independent national states. There were, however, exceptions. The Muslim states in the Soviet Union failed to gain their autonomy or independence. The same holds true for Sinkiang (called Eastem Turkestan by Muslim geographers) while in Eritrea and the southern Philippines Muslim independence movements still continue.
National States
While the world of Islam has entered into the modern world in the form of national states, continuous attempts are made to create closer cooperation within the Islamic world as a whole and to bring about greater unity. This is seen not only in the meetings of the Muslim heads of state and the establishment of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries) with its own secretariat, but also in the creation of institutions dealing with the whole of the Islamic world. Among the most important of these is the Muslim World League (Rabitat al-alam al-Islami ) with its headquarters in Makkah. Saudi Arabia has in fact played a pivotal role in the creation and maintenance of such organizations.
Revival and Reassertation of Islam
Muslims did not wish to gain only their political independence. They also wished to assert their own religious and cultural identity. From the 18th century onward Muslim reformers appeared upon the scene who sought to reassert the teachings of Islam and to reform society on the basis of Islamic teachings. One of the first among this group was Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab, who hailed from the Arabian peninsula and died there in 1792. This reformer was supported by Muhammad ibn al-Sa'ud, the founder of the first Saudi state. With this support Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab was able to spread his teachings not only in Arabia but even beyond its borders to other Islamic lands where his reforms continue to wield influence to this day.

In the 19th century lslamic assertion took several different forms ranging from the Mahdi movement of the Sudan and the Sanusiyyah in North Africa which fought wars against European colonizers, to educational movements such as that of Aligarh in India aiming to reeducate Muslims. In Egypt which, because of al-Azhar University, remains to this day central to Islamic learning, a number of reformers appear, each addressing some aspect of Islamic thought. Some were concerned more with law, others economics, and yet others the challenges posed by Western civilization with its powerful science and technology. These included Jamal al-Din al-Afghani who hailed originally from Persia but settled in Cairo and who was the great champion of Pan-Islamism, that is the movement to unite the Islamic world politically as well as religiously. His student, Muhammad 'Abduh, who became the rector of al-Azhar. was also very influential in Islamic theology and thought. Also of considerable influence was his Syrian student, Rashid Rida, who held a position closer to that of 'Abd al-Wahhab and stood for the strict application of the Shari'ah. Among the most famous of these thinkers is Muhammad Iqbal, the outstanding poet and philosopher who is considered as the father of Pakistan.
Reform Organizations
Moreover, as Western influence began to penetrate more deeply into the fiber of Islamic society, organizations gradually grew up whose goal was to reform society in practice along Islamic lines and prevent its secularization. These included the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-muslimin) founded in Egypt and with branches in many Muslim countries, and the Jama'at-i Islami of Pakistan founded by the influential Mawlana Mawdudi. These organizations have been usually peaceful and have sought to reestablish an Islamic order through education. During the last two decades, however, as a result of the frustration of many Muslims in the face of pressures coming from a secularized outside world, some have sought to reject the negative aspects of Western thought and culture and to return to an Islamic society based completely on the application of the Shari 'ah. Today in every Muslim country there are strong movements to preserve and propagate Islamic teachings. In countries such as Saudi Arabia Islamic Law is already being applied and in fact is the reason for the prosperity, development and stability of the country. In other countries where Islamic Law is not being applied, however, most of the effort of Islamic movements is spent in making possible the full application of the Shari'ah so that the nation can enjoy prosperity along with the fulfillment of the faith of its people. In any case the widespread desire for Muslims to have the religious law of Islam applied and to reassert their religious values and their own identity must not be equated with exceptional violent eruptions which do exist but which are usually treated sensationally and taken out of proportion by the mass media in the West.
Education and Science in the Islamic World
In seeking to live successfully in the modern world, in independence and according to Islamic principles, Muslim countries have been emphasizing a great deal the significance of the role of education and the importance of mastering Western science and technology. Already in the 19th century, certain Muslim countries such as Egypt, Ottoman Turkey and Persia established institutions of higher learning where the modem sciences and especially medicine were taught. During this century educational institutions at all levels have proliferated throughout the Islamic world. Nearly every science ranging from mathematics to biology as well as various fields of modern technology are taught in these institutions and some notable scientists have been produced by the Islamic world, men and women who have often combined education in these institutions with training in the West.

In various parts of the Islamic world there is, however, a sense that educational institutions must be expanded and also have their standards improved to the level of the best institutions in the world in various fields of leaming especially science and technology. At the same time there is an awareness that the educational system must be based totally on Islamic principles and the influence of alien cultural and ethical values and norms, to the extent that they are negative, be diminished. To remedy this problem a number of international Islamic educational conferences have been held, the first one in Makkah in 1977, and the foremost thinkers of the Islamic world have been brought together to study and ponder over the question of the relation between Islam and modern science. This is an ongoing process which is at the center of attention in many parts of the Islamic world and which indicates the significance of educational questions in the Islamic world today.
Influence of Islamic Science and Learning Upon the West
The oldest university in the world which is still functioning is the eleven hundred-year-old Islamic university of Fez, Morocco, known as the Qarawiyyin. This old tradition of Islamic learning influenced the West greatly through Spain. In this land where Muslims, Christians and Jews lived for the most part peacefully for many centuries, translations began to be made in the 11th century mostly in Toledo of Islamic works into Latin often through the intermediary of Jewish scholars most of whom knew Arabic and often wrote in Arabic. As a result of these translations, Islamic thought and through it much of Greek thought became known to the West and Western schools of learning began to flourish. Even the Islamic educational system was emulated in Europe and to this day the term chair in a university reflects the Arabic kursi (literally seat) upon which a teacher would sit to teach his students in the madrasah (school of higher learning). As European civillization grew and reached the high Middle Ages, there was hardly a field of learning or form of art, whether it was literature or architecture, where there was not some influence of Islam present. Islamic learning became in this way part and parcel of Western civilization even if with the advent of the Renaissance, the West not only turned against its own medieval past but also sought to forget the long relation it had had with the Islamic world, one which was based on intellectual respect despite religious opposition.
The Islamic world remains today a vast land stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, with an important presence in Europe and America, animated by the teachings of Islam and seeking to assert its own identity. Despite the presence of nationalism and various secular ideologies in their midst, Muslims wish to live in the modern world but without simply imitating blindly the ways followed by the West. The Islamic world wishes to live at peace with the West as well as the East but at the same time not to be dominated by them. It wishes to devote its resources and energies to building a better life for its people on the basis of the teachings of Islam and not to squander its resources in either internal or external conflicts. It seeks finally to create better understanding with the West and to be better understood by the West. The destinies of the Islamic world and the West cannot be totally separated and therefore it is only in understanding each other better that they can serve their own people more successfully and also contribute to a better life for the whole of humanity.

Scientific and Technological Research Division

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Scientific and Technological Research Division
The Scientific and Technological Research Division was established in 1964 for (i) coordination and implementation of national science and technology policy; (ii) promotion and coordination of research and utilization of the results of research; (iii) development, production and utilization of nuclear energy; and (iv) coordination of utilization of scientific and technological manpower. The Division was administratively responsible for National Science Council, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, the Atomic Energy Commission and the Space and Upper Atmospheric Research Committee..


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Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The word technology comes from Greek τεχνολογία (technología); from τέχνη (téchnē), meaning "art, skill, craft", and -λογία (-logía), meaning "study of-".[1] The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include construction technology, medical technology, and information technology.

The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to control fire increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons.

Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms.

Philosophical debates have arisen over the present and future use of technology in society, with disagreements over whether technology improves the human condition or worsens it. Neo-Luddism, anarcho-primitivism, and similar movements criticise the pervasiveness of technology in the modern world, opining that it harms the environment and alienates people; proponents of ideologies such as transhumanism and techno-progressivism view continued technological progress as beneficial to society and the human condition. Indeed, until recently, it was believed that the development of technology was restricted only to human beings, but recent scientific studies indicate that other primates and certain dolphin communities have developed simple tools and learned to pass their knowledge to other generations.
by encyclopedia.com

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

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Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

For course descriptions not found in the UC San Diego General Catalog, 2011–12, please contact the department for more information.

The department will endeavor to offer the courses as outlined below; however, unforeseen circumstances sometimes require a change of scheduled offerings. Students are strongly advised to check the Schedule of Classes or the department before relying on the schedule below. For the names of the instructors who will teach the course, please refer to the quarterly Schedule of Classes. The departmental website http://www.ece.ucsd.edu includes the present best estimate of the schedule of classes for the entire academic year.
Lower Division

15. Engineering Computation (4)

Students learn the C programming language with an emphasis on high-performance numerical computation. The commonality across programming languages of control structures, data structures, and I/O is also covered. Techniques for using Matlab to graph the results of C computations are developed. Prerequisites: a familiarity with basic mathematics such as trigonometry functions and graphing is expected but this course assumes no prior programming knowledge.

25. Introduction to Digital Design (4)

This course emphasizes digital electronics. Principles introduced in lectures are used in laboratory assignments, which also serve to introduce experimental and design methods. Topics include Boolean algebra, combination and sequential logic, gates and their implementation in digital circuits. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: none.

30. Introduction to Computer Engineering (4)

The fundamentals of both the hardware and software in a computer system. Topics include: representation of information, computer organization and design, assembly and microprogramming, current technology in logic design. (Students who have taken CSE 30 may not take ECE 30 for credit.) Prerequisites: ECE 15 and 25 with grades of C– or better.

35. Introduction to Analog Design (4)

Fundamental circuit theory concepts, Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, loop and node analysis, time-varying signals, transient first order circuits, steady-state sinusoidal response. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: Math 20A–B; Math 20C and Physics 2B must be taken concurrently.

45. Circuits and Systems (4)

Steady-state circuit analysis, first and second order systems, Fourier Series and Transforms, time domain analysis, convolution, transient response, Laplace Transform, and filter design. Prerequisites: Math 20A-B-C, ECE 15, and ECE 35.

65. Components and Circuits Laboratory (4)

Introduction to linear and nonlinear components and circuits. Topics will include: two terminal devices, bipolar and field-effect transistors, and large and small signal analysis of diode and transistor circuits. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 15, 25, and 35.

80. Photonics of Everyday Life (4)

This course is a general elective for students interested in the impact of photonic technology in our everyday lives. Topics include digital camera and photography, photography vs. holography, holograms for counterfeit, LCD display and optical storage (CD and DVD) in computers, some varieties of lasers, differences between laser light and ordinary light, optics for telecom, telescope, microscope, spectroscopy, and biophotonics. Prerequisites: simple concepts of calculus (see instructor), or Math 10A or 20A.

85. iTunes 101: A Survey of Information Technology (4)

Topics include how devices such as iPods and iPhones generate, transmit, receive and process information (music, images, video, etc.), the relationship between technology and issues such as privacy and “net-neutrality,” and current topics related to information technology. Prerequisites: none.

87. Freshman Seminar (1)

The freshman seminar program is designed to provide new students with the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member in a small seminar setting. Freshman seminars are offered in all campus departments and undergraduate colleges, and topics vary from quarter to quarter. Enrollment is limited to fifteen to twenty students, with preference given to entering freshmen. Prerequisites: none.

90. Undergraduate Seminar (1)

This seminar class will provide a broad review of current research topics in both electrical engineering and computer engineering. Typical subject areas are signal processing, VLSI design, electronic materials and devices, radio astronomy, communications, and optical computing. Prerequisites: none.
Upper Division

100. Linear Electronic Systems (4)

Linear active circuit and system design. Topics include frequency response; use of Laplace transforms; design and stability of filters using operational amplifiers. Integrated lab and lecture involves analysis, design, simulation, and testing of circuits and systems. Prerequisites: ECE 15, ECE 25, ECE 35, ECE 45 and ECE 65.

101. Linear Systems Fundamentals (4)

Complex variables. Singularities and residues. Signal and system analysis in continuous and discrete time. Fourier series and transforms. Laplace and z-transforms. Linear Time Invariant Systems. Impulse response, frequency response, and transfer functions. Poles and zeros. Stability. Convolution. Sampling. Aliasing. Prerequisites: ECE 45 with grade of C– or better.

102. Introduction to Active Circuit Design (4)

Nonlinear active circuits design. Nonlinear device models for diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors. Linearization of device models and small-signal equivalent circuits. Circuit designs will be simulated by computer and tested in the laboratory. Course material and/or program fee may apply. Prerequisites: ECE 15, 25, 35, 45 and 65.

103. Fundamentals of Devices and Materials (4)

Introduction to semiconductor materials and devices. Semiconductor crystal structure, energy bands, doping, carrier statistics, drift and diffusion, p-n junctions, metal-semiconductor junctions. Bipolar junction transistors: current flow, amplification, switching, nonideal behavior. Metal-oxide-semiconductor structures, MOSFETs, device scaling. Prerequisites: Phys 2D or Phys 4D and 4E with grades of C– or better.

107. Electromagnetism (4)

Electrostatics and magnetostatics; electrodynamics; Maxwell’s equations; plane waves; skin effect. Electromagnetics of transmission lines: reflection and transmission at discontinuities, Smith chart, pulse propagation, dispersion. Rectangular waveguides. Dielectric and magnetic properties of materials. Electromagnetics of circuits. Prerequisites: Phys 2A–D or 4A–E and ECE 45 or 53B with grades of C– or better.

108. Digital Circuits (4)

A transistor-level view of digital integrated circuits. CMOS combinational logic, ratioed logic, noise margins, rise and fall delays, power dissipation, transmission gates. Short channel MOS model, effects on scaling. Sequential circuits, memory and array logic circuits. Three hours of lecture, one hour of discussion, three hours of laboratory. Prerequisites: ECE 25, 35, 45, and 65; ECE 30 or CSE 30; Math 20A-D, and Math 20F; and Phys 2A-D or Phys 4A-E.

109. Engineering Probability and Statistics (4)

Axioms of probability, conditional probability, theorem of total probability, random variables, densities, expected values, characteristic functions, transformation of random variables, central limit theorem. Random number generation, engineering reliability, elements of estimation, random sampling, sampling distributions, tests for hypothesis. Students who completed Math 180A–B, Math 183, Math 186, Econ. 120A, or Econ. 120AH will not receive credit for ECE 109. Prerequisites: Math 20A-B-C or 21C, 20D or 21D, 20F, with grades of C– or better. ECE 101 recommended.

111. Advanced Digital Design Project (4)

Advanced topics in digital circuits and systems. Use of computers and design automation tools. Hazard elimination, synchronous/asnychronous FSM synthesis, synchronization and arbitration, pipelining and timing issues. Problem sets and design exercises. A large-scale design project. Simulation and/or rapid prototyping. Prerequisites: ECE 108 or CSE 140 with grades of C– or better.

118. Computer Interfacing (4)

Interfacing computers and embedded controllers to the real world: busses, interrupts, DMA, memory mapping, concurrency, digital I/O, standards for serial and parallel communications, A/D, D/A, sensors, signal conditioning, video, and closed loop control. Students design and construct an interfacing project. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 30 or CSE 30 and ECE 60A-B-L or ECE 53A–B.

120. Solar System Physics (4)

General introduction to planetary bodies, the overall structure of the solar system, and space plasma physics. Course emphasis will be on the solar atmosphere, how the solar wind is produced, and its interaction with both magnetized and unmagnetized planets (and comets). Prerequisites: Phys 2A–C or 4A–D, Math 20A–B, 20C or 21C with grades of C– or better.

123. Antenna Systems Engineering (4)

The electromagnetic and systems engineering of radio antennas for terrestrial wireless and satellite communications. Antenna impedance, beam pattern, gain, and polarization. Dipoles, monopoles, paraboloids, phased arrays. Power and noise budgets for communication links. Atmospheric propagation and multipath. Prerequisites: ECE 107 with a grade of C– or better. (W or S)

134. Electronic Materials Science of Integrated Circuits (4)

Electronic materials science with emphasis on topics pertinent to microelectronics and VLSI technology. Concept of the course is to use components in integrated circuits to discuss structure, thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, and electrical properties of materials. Prerequisites: Phys 2C–D with grades of C– or better.

135A. Semiconductor Physics (4)

Crystal structure and quantum theory of solids; electronic band structure; review of carrier statistics, drift and diffusion, p-n junctions; nonequilibrium carriers, imrefs, traps, recombination, etc; metal-semiconductor junctions and heterojunctions. Prerequisites: ECE 103 with a grade of C– or better.

135B. Electronic Devices (4)

Structure and operation of bipolar junction transistors, junction field-effect transistors, metal-oxide-semiconductor diodes and transistors. Analysis of dc and ac characteristics. Charge control model of dynamic behavior. Prerequisites: ECE 135A with a grade of C– or better.

136. Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device Fabrication (4)

Crystal growth, controlled diffusion, determination of junction-depth and impurity profile, epitaxy, ion-implantation, oxidation, lithography, chemical vapor deposition, etching, process simulation and robust design for fabrication. Prerequisites: ECE 103 with a grade of C– or better.

136L. Microelectronics Laboratory (4)

Laboratory fabrication of diodes and field effect transistors covering photolithography, oxidation, diffusion, thin film deposition, etching and evaluation of devices. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 103.

138L. Microstructuring Processing Technology Laboratory (4)

A laboratory course covering the concept and practice of microstructuring science and technology in fabricating devices relevant to sensors, lab-chips and related devices. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: upper-division standing for science and engineering students.

139. Semiconductor Device Design and Modeling (4)

Device physics of modern field effect transistors and bipolar transistors, including behavior of submicron structures. Relationship between structure and circuit models of transistors. CMOS and BiCMOS technologies. Emphasis on computer simulation of transistor operation and application in integrated circuits. Prerequisites: ECE 135A–B with grades of C– or better.

145AL-BL-CL. Acoustics Laboratory (4-4-4)

Automated laboratory based on H-P GPIB controlled instruments. Software controlled data collection and analysis. Vibrations and waves in strings and bars of electromechanical systems and transducers. Transmissions, reflection, and scattering of sound waves in air and water. Aural and visual detection. Prerequisites: ECE 107 with a grade of C– or better or consent of instructor.

146. Introduction to Magnetic Recording (4)

A laboratory introduction to the writing and reading of digital information in a disk drive. Basic magnetic recording measurements on state-of-art disk drives to evaluate signals, noise, erasure, and nonlinearities that characterize this channel. Lectures on the recording process will allow comparison of measurements with basic voltage expressions. E/M FEM software utilized to study geometric effects on the record and play transducers. Prerequisites: ECE 107 with a grade of C– or better.

153. Probability and Random Processes for Engineers (4)

Random processes. Stationary processes: correlation, power spectral density. Gaussian processes and linear transformation of Gaussian processes. Point processes. Random noise in linear systems. Prerequisites: ECE 109 with a grade of C– or better.

154A. Communications Systems I (4)

Study of analog modulation systems including AM, SSB, DSB, VSB, FM, and PM. Performance analysis of both coherent and noncoherent receivers, including threshold effects in FM. Prerequisites: ECE 101 and 153 with a grade of C– or better.

154B. Communications Systems II (4)

Design and performance analysis of digital modulation techniques, including probability of error results for PSK, DPSK, and FSK. Introduction to effects of intersymbol interference and fading. Detection and estimation theory, including optimal receiver design and maximum-likelihood parameter estimation. Prerequisites: ECE 154A with a grade of C– or better.

154C. Communications Systems III (4)

Introduction to information theory and coding, including entropy, average mutual information, channel capacity, block codes and convolutional codes. Prerequisites: ECE 154B with a grade of C– or better.

155A. Digital Recording Systems (4)

This course will be concerned with modulation and coding techniques for digital recording channels. Prerequisites: ECE 109 and 153 with grades of C– or better and concurrent registration in ECE 154A required. Department stamp required.

155B. Digital Recording Projects I (4)

Students registered in this course work one-on-one with a researcher on a project involving the design and evaluation of a digital recording system based upon material covered in ECE 155A. Prerequisites: ECE 155A with grade of C– or better. Concurrent registration in ECE 154B. Department stamp required.

155C. Digital Recording Projects II (4)

Students registered in this course work one-on-one with a researcher on a project involving the design and evaluation of a digital recording system based upon material covered in ECE 155A. The project can be a continuation of a project initiated in Digital Recording Projects I or it can be an entirely new project. Prerequisites: ECE 155B with grade of C– or better. Concurrent registration in ECE 154C. Department stamp required.

156. Sensor Networks (4)

Characteristics of chemical, biological, seismic, and other physical sensors; signal processing techniques supporting distributed detection of salient events; wireless communication and networking protocols supporting formation of robust sensor fabrics; current experience with low power, low cost sensor deployments. Undergraduate students must take a final exam; graduate students must write a term paper or complete a final project. Cross-listed with MAE 149 and SIO 238. Prerequisites: upper-division standing and consent of instructor, or graduate student in science and engineering.

157A. Communications Systems Laboratory I (4)

Experiments in the modulation and demodulation of baseband and passband signals. Statistical characterization of signals and impairments. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 154A with a grade of C+ or better.

157B. Communications Systems Laboratory II (4)

Advanced projects in communication systems. Students will plan and implement design projects in the laboratory, updating progress weekly and making plan/design adjustments based upon feedback. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 154A with a grade of C+ or better.

158A. Data Networks I (4)

Layered network architectures, data link control protocols and multiple-access systems, performance analysis. Flow control; prevention of deadlock and throughput degradation. Routing, centralized and decentralized schemes, static dynamic algorithms. Shortest path and minimum average delay algorithms. Comparisons. Prerequisites: ECE 109 with a grade of C– or better. ECE 159A recommended.

158B. Data Networks II (4)

Layered network architectures, data link control protocols and multiple-access systems, performance analysis. Flow control; prevention of deadlock and throughput degradation. Routing, centralized and decentralized schemes, static dynamic algorithms. Shortest path and minimum average delay algorithms. Comparisons. Prerequisites: ECE 158A with a grade of C– or better.

159A. Queuing Systems: Fundamentals (4)

Analysis of single and multiserver queuing systems; queue size and waiting times. Modeling of telephone systems, interactive computer systems and the machine repair problems. Prerequisites: ECE 109 with a grade of C– or better.

159B. Queuing Systems: Computer Systems and Data Networks (4)

M/G/1 queuing systems. Computer systems applications: priority scheduling; time-sharing scheduling. Open and closed queuing networks; modeling and performance of interactive computer systems. Elements of computer-communication networks: stability and delay analysis; optimal design issues. Prerequisites: ECE 159A with a grade of C– or better.

161A. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (4)

Review of discrete-time systems and signals, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform and its properties, the Fast Fourier Transform, design of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, implementation of digital filters. Prerequisites: ECE 101.

161B. Digital Signal Processing I (4)

Sampling and quantization of baseband signals; A/D and D/A conversion, quantization noise, oversampling and noise shaping. Sampling of bandpass signals, undersampling downconversion, and Hilbert transforms. Coefficient quantization, roundoff noise, limit cycles and overflow oscillations. Insensitive filter structures, lattice and wave digital filters. Systems will be designed and tested with Matlab, implemented with DSP processors and tested in the laboratory. Prerequisites: ECE 161A with a grade of C– or better.

161C. Applications of Digital Signal Processing (4)

This course discusses several applications of DSP. Topics covered will include: speech analysis and coding; image and video compression and processing. A class project is required, algorithms simulated by Matlab. Prerequisites: ECE 161A.

163. Electronic Circuits and Systems (4)

Analysis and design of analog circuits and systems. Feedback systems with applications to operational amplifier circuits. Stability, sensitivity, bandwidth, compensation. Design of active filters. Switched capacitor circuits. Phase-locked loops. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 101 and 102 with grades of C– or better.

164. Analog Integrated Circuit Design (4)

Design of linear and nonlinear analog integrated circuits including operational amplifiers, voltage regulators, drivers, power stages, oscillators, and multipliers. Use of feedback and evaluation of noise performance. Parasitic effects of integrated circuit technology. Laboratory simulation and testing of circuits. Prerequisites: ECE 102 with a grade of C– or better. ECE 163 recommended.

165. Digital Integrated Circuit Design (4)

VLSI digital systems. Circuit characterization, performance estimation, and optimization. Circuits for alternative logic styles and clocking schemes. Subsystems include ALUs, memory, processor arrays, and PLAs. Techniques for gate arrays, standard cell, and custom design. Design and simulation using CAD tools. (Students who have taken CSE 143 may not take ECE 165 for credit.) Prerequisites: ECE 108 with a grade of C– or better.

166. Microwave Systems and Circuits (4)

Waves, distributed circuits, and scattering matrix methods. Passive microwave elements. Impedance matching. Detection and frequency conversion using microwave diodes. Design of transistor amplifiers including noise performance. Circuits designs will be simulated by computer and tested in the laboratory. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 102 and 107 with grades of C– or better.

171A. Linear Control System Theory (4)

Stability of continuous- and discrete-time single-input/single-output linear time-invariant control systems emphasizing frequency domain methods. Transient and steady-state behavior. Stability analysis by root locus, Bode, Nyquist, and Nichols plots. Compensator design. Prerequisites: ECE 45 or MAE 140.

171B. Linear Control System Theory (4)

Time-domain, state-variable formulation of the control problem for both discrete-time and continuous-time linear systems. State-space realizations from transfer function system description. Internal and input-output stability, controllability/observability, minimal realizations, and pole-placement by full-state feedback. Prerequisites: ECE 171A with a grade of C– or better.

172A. Introduction to Intelligent Systems: Robotics and Machine Intelligence (4)

This course will introduce basic concepts in machine perception. Topics covered will include edge detection, segmentation, texture analysis, image registration, and compression. Prerequisites: ECE 101 with a grade of C– or better. ECE 109 recommended.

174. Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Optimization with Applications (4)

The linear least squares problem, including constrained and unconstrained quadratic optimization and the relationship to the geometry of linear transformations. Introduction to nonlinear optimization. Applications to signal processing, system identification, robotics, and circuit design. Prerequisites: Math 20F, ECE 15 and ECE 100 or consent of instructor.

175A. Elements of Machine Intelligence: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (4)

Introduction to pattern recognition and machine learning. Decision functions. Statistical pattern classifiers. Generative vs. discriminant methods for pattern classification. Feature selection. Regression. Unsupervised learning. Clustering. Applications of machine learning. Prerequisites: ECE 109 and ECE 174.

175B. Elements of Machine Intelligence: Probabilistic Reasoning and Graphical Models (4)

Bayes’ rule as a probabilistic reasoning engine; graphical models as knowledge encoders; conditional independence and D-Separation; Markov random fields; inference in graphical models; sampling methods and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); sequential data and the Viterbi and BCJR algorithms; The Baum-Welsh algorithm for Markov Chain parameter estimation. Prerequisites: ECE 175A.

180. Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering (4)

Topics of special interest in electrical and computer engineering. Subject matter will not be repeated so it may be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisites: consent of instructor; department stamp.

181. Physical Optics and Fourier Optics (4)

Ray optics, wave optics, beam optics, Fourier optics, and electromagnetic optics. Ray transfer matrix, matrices of cascaded optics, numerical apertures of step and graded index fibers. Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffractions, interference of waves. Gaussian and Bessel beams, the ABCD law for transmissions through arbitrary optical systems. Spatial frequency, impulse response and transfer function of optical systems, Fourier transform and imaging properties of lenses, holography. Wave propagation in various (inhomogeneous, dispersive, anisotropic or nonlinear) media. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 103 and 107 with grades of C– or better.

182. Electromagnetic Optics, Guided-Wave, and Fiber Optics (4)

Polarization optics: crystal optics, birefringence. Guided-wave optics: modes, losses, dispersion, coupling, switching. Fiber optics: step and graded index, single and multimode operation, attenuation, dispersion, fiber optic communications. Resonator optics. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 103 and 107 with grades of C– or better.

183. Optical Electronics (4)

Quantum electronics, interaction of light and matter in atomic systems, semiconductors. Laser amplifiers and laser systems. Photodetection. Electrooptics and acoustooptics, photonic switching. Fiber optic communication systems. Labs: semiconductor lasers, semiconductor photodetectors. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 103 and 107 with grades of C– or better.

184. Optical Information Processing and Holography (4)

(Conjoined with ECE 241AL) Labs: optical holography, photorefractive effect, spatial filtering, computer generated holography. Students enrolled in ECE 184 will receive four units of credit; students enrolled in ECE 241AL will receive two units of credit. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 182 with a grade of C– or better.

185. Lasers and Modulators (4)

(Conjoined with ECE 241BL) Labs: CO2 laser, HeNe laser, electrooptic modulation, acoustooptic modulation, spatial light modulators. Students enrolled in ECE 185 will receive four units of credit; students enrolled in ECE 241BL will receive two units of credit. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 183 with a grade of C– or better.

186L. Optical Information Systems (4)

Lab covering concepts in optical data systems including free-space communications, remote sensing and wavelength-multiplexed optical fiber transmission. (Course material and/or program fees may apply.) Prerequisites: ECE 181 and 182 or 183 with grades of C– or better, or consent of instructor.

187. Introduction to Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (4)

Image processing fundamentals: imaging theory, image processing, pattern recognition; digital radiography, computerized tomography, nuclear medicine imaging, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound imaging, microscopy imaging. Prerequisites: Math 20A-B-F, 20C or 21C, 20D or 21D, Phys 2A–D, ECE 101 (may be taken concurrently) with grades of C– or better.

190. Engineering Design (4)

Students complete a project comprising at least 50 percent or more engineering design to satisfy the following features: student creativity, open-ended formulation of a problem statement/specifications, consideration of alternative solutions/realistic constraints. Written final report required. Prerequisites: students enrolling in this course must have completed all of the breadth courses and one depth course. The department stamp is required to enroll in ECE 190. (Specifications and enrollment forms are available in the undergraduate office.)

191. Engineering Group Design Project (4)

Groups of students work to design, build, demonstrate, and document an engineering project. All students give weekly progress reports of their tasks and contribute a section to the final project report. Prerequisites: completion of all of the breadth courses and one depth course.

192. Senior Seminar (1)

The Senior Seminar Program is designed to allow senior undergraduates to meet with faculty members in a small setting to explore an intellectual topic in ECE (at the upper-division level). Topics will vary from quarter to quarter. Senior seminars may be taken for credit up to four times, with a change in topic, and permission of the department. ECE 192 is no longer valid for ECE design credit, students should take ECE 190 instead. Prerequisites: department stamp and/or consent of instructor.

193H. Honors Project (4–8)

An advanced reading or research project performed under the direction of an ECE faculty member. Must contain enough design to satisfy the ECE program’s four-unit design requirement. Must be taken for a letter grade. May extend over two quarters with a grade assigned at completion for both quarters. Prerequisites: admission to the ECE departmental honors program.

195. Teaching (2 or 4)

Teaching and tutorial activities associated with courses and seminars. Not more than four units of ECE 195 may be used for satisfying graduation requirements. (P/NP grades only.) Prerequisites: consent of the department chair.

197. Field Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering (4, 8, 12, or 16)

Directed study and research at laboratories and observatories away from the campus. (P/NP grades only.) Prerequisites: consent of instructor and approval of the department.

198. Directed Group Study (2 or 4)

Topics in electrical and computer engineering whose study involves reading and discussion by a small group of students under direction of a faculty member. (P/NP grades only.) Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

199. Independent Study for Undergraduates (2 or 4)

Independent reading or research by special arrangement with a faculty member. (P/NP grades only.) Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

200. Research Conference (2)

Group discussion of research activities and progress of group members. (Consent of instructor is strongly recommended.) (S/U grades only.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

212AN. Principles of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (4)

Introduction to and rigorous treatment of electronic, photonic, magnetic, and mechanical properties of materials at the nanoscale. Concepts from mathematical physics, quantum mechanics, quantum optics, and electromagnetic theory will be introduced as appropriate. Students may not receive credit for both ECE 212A and ECE 212AN. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

212BN. Nanoelectronics (4)

Quantum states and quantum transport of electrons; single-electron devices; nanoelectronic devices and system concepts; introduction to molecular and organic electronics. Students may not receive credit for both ECE 212BN and ECE 212C. Prerequisites: ECE 212AN; graduate standing.

212CN. Nanophotonics (4)

Photonic properties of artificially engineered inhomogeneous nanoscale composite materials incorporating dielectrics, semiconductors, and/or metals. Near-field localization effects and applications. Device and component applications. Students may not receive credit for both ECE 212CN and 212B. Prerequisites: ECE 212BN; graduate standing.

222A. Antennas and Their System Applications (4)

Antennas, waves, polarization. Friis transmission and Radar equations, dipoles, loops, slots, ground planes, traveling wave antennas, array theory, phased arrays, impedance, frequency independent antennas, microstrip antennas, cell phone antennas, system level implications such as MIMO, multi-beam and phased array systems. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE107 or an equivalent undergraduate course in electromagnetics.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

222B. Applied Electromagnetic Theory—Electromagnetics (4)

Graduate-level introductory course on electromagnetic theory with applications. Topics covered include Maxwell’s equations, plane waves in free space and in the presence of interfaces, polarization, fields in metallic and dielectric waveguides including surface waves; fields in metallic cavities, Green’s functions, electromagnetic field radiation and scattering. Prerequisites: ECE 222A; graduate standing.

222C. Applied Electromagnetic Theory—Computational Methods for Electromagnetics (4)

Computational techniques for numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields, including the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, finite difference frequency domain (FDFD) method, method of moments (MOM), and finite element method (FEM). Practice in writing numerical codes. Review of commercial electromagnetic simulators. Prerequisites: ECE 222B; graduate standing. (S—even years)

222D. Advanced Antenna Design (4)

Review of 222A–B. Fourier transform, waveguide antennas. Mutual coupling, active impedance, Floquet modes in arrays. Microstrip antennas, surface waves. Reflector and lens analysis: taper, spillover, aperture and physical optics methods. Impedance surfaces. Advanced concepts: Sub-wavelength propagation, etc. (chosen by instructor). (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 222A, ECE 222B, or equivalent.) Prerequisites: ECE 222C; graduate standing. (S—odd years)

230A. Solid State Electronics I (4)

This course is designed to provide a general background in solid state electronic materials and devices. Course content emphasizes the fundamental and current issues of semiconductor physics related to the ECE solid state electronics sequences. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 135A–B or equivalent.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

230B. Solid State Electronics II (4)

Physics of solid-state electronic devices, including p-n diodes, Schottky diodes, field-effect transistors, bipolar transistors, pnpn structures. Computer simulation of devices, scaling characteristics, high frequency performance, and circuit models. Prerequisites: ECE 230A; graduate standing.

230C. Solid State Electronics III (4)

This course is designed to provide a treatise of semiconductor devices based on solid state phenomena. Band structures carrier scattering and recombination processes and their influence on transport properties will be emphasized. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 230A or equivalent.) Prerequisites: ECE 230B; graduate standing.

235. Nanometer-Scale VLSI Devices (4)

This course covers modern research topics in sub-100 nm scale, state-of-the-art silicon VLSI devices. Starting with the fundamentals of CMOS scaling to nanometer dimensions, various advanced device and circuit concepts, including RF CMOS, low power CMOS, silicon memory, silicon-on-insulator, SiGe bipolar, strained silicon MOSFET’s, etc. will be taught. The physics of nearballistic transport in an ultimately scaled 10 nm MOSFET will be discussed in light of the recently developed scattering theory. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

236A. III-V Compound Semiconductor Materials (4)

This course covers the growth, characterization, and heterojunction properties of III-V compound semiconductors and group-IV heterostructures for the subsequent courses on electronic and photonic device applications. Topics include epitaxial growth techniques, electrical properties of heterojunctions, transport and optical properties of quantum wells and superlattices. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 230A-B-C.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

236B. Optical Processes in Semiconductors (4)

Absorption and emission of radiation in semiconductors. Radiative transition and nonradiative recombination. Laser, modulators, and photodetector devices will be discussed. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 230A and ECE 230C or equivalent.) Prerequisites: ECE 236A; graduate standing.

236C. Heterojunction Field Effect Transistors (4)

Device physics and applications of isotype and anisotype heterojunctions and quantum wells, including band-edge discontinuities, band bending and space charge layers at heterojunction interfaces, charge transport normal and parallel to such interfaces, two-dimensional electron gas structures, modulation doping, heterojunction and insulated gate field effect transistors. Prerequisites: ECE 236B; graduate standing.

236D. Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (4)

Current flow and charge storage in bipolar transistors. Use of heterojunctions to improve bipolar structures. Transient electron velocity overshoot. Simulation of device characteristics. Circuit models of HBTs. Requirements for high-speed circuit applications. Elements of bipolar process technology, with emphasis on III-V materials. Prerequisites: ECE 236C; graduate standing.

238A. Thermodynamics of Solids (4)

The thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of solids. Basic concepts, equilibrium properties of alloy systems, thermodynamic information from phase diagrams, surfaces and interfaces, crystalline defects. Multiple listed with Materials Science 201A. Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

238B. Solid State Diffusion and Reaction Kinetics (4)

Thermally activated processes. Boltzman factor, homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, solid state diffusion, Fick’s law, diffusion mechanisms, Kirkendall effects, Boltzmann-Manato analysis, high diffusivity paths. Multiple listed with Materials Science 201B. Prerequisites: ECE 238A.

240A. Lasers and Optics (4)

Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction theory. Optical resonators, interferometry. Gaussian beam propagation and transformation. Laser oscillation and amplification, Q-switching and mode locking of lasers, some specific laser systems. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 107 and ECE 182 or equivalent, introductory quantum mechanics or ECE 183.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

240B. Optical Information Processing (4)

Space-bandwidth product, superresolution, space-variant optical system, partial coherence, image processing with coherent and incoherent light, processing with feedback, real-time light modulators for hybrid processing, nonlinear processing. Optical computing and other applications. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 182 or equivalent.) Prerequisites: ECE 240A; graduate standing.

240C. Optical Modulation and Detection (4)

Propagation of waves and rays in anisotropic media. Electro-optical switching and modulation. Acousto-optical deflection and modulation. Detection theory. Heterodyne detection, incoherent and coherent detection. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 181, ECE 183 or equivalent.) Prerequisites: ECE 240B; graduate standing.

241A. Nonlinear Optics (4)

Second harmonic generation (color conversion), parametric amplification and oscillation, photorefractive effects and four-wave mixing, optical bistability; applications. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 240A, C.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

241B. Optical Devices for Computing. (4)

Application of electro-optic, magneto-optic, acousto-optic, and electro-absorption effects to the design of photonic devices with emphasis on spatial light modulation and optical storage techniques. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 240A–C.) Prerequisites: ECE 241A; graduate standing.

241C. Holographic Optical Elements (4)

Fresnel, Fraunhofer, and Fourier holography. Analysis of thin and volume holograms, reflection and transmission holograms, color and polarization holograms. Optically recorded and computer-generated holography. Applications to information storage, optical interconnects, 2-D and 3-D display, pattern recognition, and image processing. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 182 or equivalent.) Prerequisites: ECE 241B; graduate standing.

243B. Optical Fiber Communication (4)

Optical fibers, waveguides, laser communication system. Modulation and demodulation; detection processes and communication-receivers. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 240A-B-C or equivalent.) Prerequisites: ECE 243A; graduate standing.

244A. Statistical Optics (4)

Introduction to statistical phenomena in optics including first order properties of light waves generated from various sources. Coherence of optical waves, high-order coherence. Partial coherence and its effects on imaging systems. Imaging in presence of randomly inhomogeneous medium. Limits in photoelectric detection of light. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 240A–B.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

244B. Quantum Electronics of Femtosecond Optical Pulses (4)

Femtosecond optical pulses in linear dispersive media. Self-action of optical pulses. Parametric interaction of optical pulses. Self- and cross-phase modulation. Fast phase control, compression and shaping of optical pulses. Optical solutions. Applications of femtosecond optical pulses. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 240A-B-C.) Prerequisites: 244A; graduate standing.

247A. Advanced BioPhotonics (4)

Basic physics and chemistry for the interaction of photons with matter, including both biological and synthetic materials; use of photonic radiation pressure for manipulation of objects and materials; advanced optoelectronic detection systems, devices and methods, including time resolved fluorescent and chemiluminescent methods, fluorescent energy transfer (FRET) techniques, quantum dots, and near-field optical techniques; underlying mechanisms of the light sensitive biological systems, including chloroplasts for photosynthetic energy conversion and the basis of vision processes. Cross-listed with BENG 247A. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

247B. BioElectronics (4)

Topics to be covered will include photolithographic techniques for high-density DNA microarray production, incorporation of CMOS control into electronic DNA microarrays, direct electronic detection technology used in microarrays and biosensor devices, and focus on problems related to making highly integrated devices (lab-on-a-chip, in-vivo biosensors, etc.) from heterogeneous materials and components. Cross-listed with BENG 247B. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

247C. BioNanotechnology (4)

Topics include: nanosensors and nanodevices for both clinical diagnostics and biowarfare (bioterror) agent detection; nanostructures for drug delivery; nanoarrays and nanodevices; use of nanoanalytical devices and systems; methods and techniques for modification or functionalization of nanoparticles and nanostructures with biological molecules; nanostructural aspects of fuel cells and bio-fuel cells; potential use of DNA and other biomolecules for computing and ultra-high-density data storage. Cross-listed with BENG 247C. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

250. Random Processes (4)

Random variables, probability distributions and densities, characteristic functions. Convergence in probability and in quadratic mean, Stochastic processes, stationarity. Processes with orthogonal and independent increments. Power spectrum and power spectral density. Stochastic integrals and derivatives. Spectral representation of wide sense stationary processes, harmonizable processes, moving average representations. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 153.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

251A. Digital Signal Processing I (4)

Discrete random signals; conventional (FFT based) spectral estimation. Coherence and transfer function estimation; model-based spectral estimation; linear prediction and AR modeling. Levinson-Durbin algorithm and lattice filters, minimum variance spectrum estimation. Cross-listed with SIO 207B. SIO 207A is intended for graduate students who have not had an undergraduate course in DSP. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 153 in addition to either ECE 161 or 161A and SIO 207A or equivalent background.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

251B. Digital Signal Processing II (4)

Adaptive filter theory, estimation errors for recursive least squares and gradient algorithms, convergence and tracking analysis of LMD, RLS, and Kalman filtering algorithms, comparative performance of Weiner and adaptive filters, transversal and lattice filter implementations, performance analysis for equalization, noise cancelling, and linear prediction applications. Cross-listed with SIO 207C. Prerequisites: graduate standing; ECE 251A (for ECE 251B); SIO 207B (for SIO 207C).

251C. Filter Banks and Wavelets (4)

Fundamentals of multirate systems (Noble Identities, Polyphase representations), maximally decimated filter banks (QMF filters for 2-channels, M-channel perfect reconstruction systems), Paraunitary perfect reconstruction filter banks, the wavelet transform (Multiresolution, discrete wavelet transform, filter banks and wavelet). (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 161 or equivalent.) Prerequisites: ECE 251B; graduate standing.

251D. Array Processing (4)

The coherent processing of data collected from sensors distributed in space for signal enhancement and noise rejection purposes or wavefield directionality estimation. Conventional and adaptive beamforming. Matched field processing. Sparse array design and processing techniques. Applications to acoustics, geophysics, and electromagnetics. Cross-listed with SIO 207D. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 251A or ECE 251AN.) Prerequisites: graduate standing; ECE 251C (for ECE 251D); SIO 207C (for SIO 207D).

252A. Speech Compression (4)

Speech signals, production and perception, compression theory, high rate compression using waveform coding (PCM, DPCM, ADPCM, . . .), DSP tools for low rate coding, LPC vocoders, sinusoidal transform coding, multiband coding, medium rate coding using code excited linear prediction (CELP). (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 161A.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

252B. Speech Recognition (4)

Signal analysis methods for recognition, dynamic time warping, isolated word recognition, hidden Markov models, connected word, and continuous speech recognition. Prerequisites: ECE 252A; graduate standing.

253. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing (4)

Image quantization and sampling, image transforms, image enhancement, image compression. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 109, 153, ECE 161, ECE 161A).

254. Detection Theory (4)

Hypothesis testing, detection of signals in white and colored Gaussian noise; estimation of signal parameters, maximum-likelihood detection; resolution of signals; detection and estimation of stochastic signals; applications to radar, sonar, and communications. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 153.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

255AN. Information Theory (4)

Introduction to basic concepts, source coding theorems, capacity, noisy-channel coding theorem. Prerequisites: ECE 154A-B-C or consent of instructor.

255B. Source Coding I (4)

Theory and practice of lossy source coding, vector quantization, predictive and differential encoding, universal coding, source-channel coding, asymptotic theory, speech and image applications. Students that have taken 255BN cannot take 255B for credit. (Recommended Prerequisites: ECE 250, and 259A or 259AN) Prerequisites: ECE 255A; graduate standing.

256A–B. Time Series Analysis and Applications (4-4)

Stationary processes; spectral representation; linear transformation. Recursive and nonrecursive prediction and filtering; Wiener-Hopf and Kalman-Bucy filters. Series expansions and applications. Time series analysis; probability density, covariance and spectral estimation. Inference from sampled-data, sampling theorems; equally and nonequally spaced data, applications to detection and estimation problem. Prerequisites: ECE 153.

257A. Multiuser Communication Systems (4)

Congestion control, convex programming and dual controller, fair end-end rate allocation, max-min fair vs. proportional fairness. Markov Chains and recurrence, Lyapunov-Foster theorem, rate stable switch scheduling, stable (back-pressure) routing versus minimum delay routing versus shortest path routing. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

257B. Principles of Wireless Networks (4)

This course will focus on the principles, architectures, and analytical methodologies for design of multi-user wireless networks. Topics to be covered include cellular approaches, call processing, digital modulation, MIMO technology, broadband networks, ad-hoc networks, and wireless packet access. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 159A and 154B, or equivalent.) Prerequisites: ECE 257A; graduate standing.

257C. Stochastic Wireless Networks Models (4)

Elements of spatial point processes. Spatial stochastic models of wireless networks. Topological structure, interference, stochastic dependencies. Elements of network information theory/statistical physics models of information flow. Role of signal propagation/random fading models. Decentralized operation, route discovery, architectural principles. Energy limitations/random failures. (Recommended prerequisites: previous exposure to stochastic processes and information theory.) Prerequisites: ECE 257B; graduate standing.

258A–B. Digital Communication (4-4)

Digital communication theory including performance of various modulation techniques, effects of inter-symbol interference, adaptive equalization, spread spectrum communication. Prerequisites: ECE 154A-B-C and ECE 254 or consent of instructor.

259A. Algebraic Coding (4)

Fundamentals of block codes, introduction to groups, rings and finite fields, nonbinary codes, cyclic codes such as BCH and RS codes, decoding algorithms, applications. Students who have taken ECE 259AN may not receive credit for ECE 259A. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

259B. Probabilistic Coding (4)

Convolutional codes, maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding, maximum a-posteriori (MAP) decoding, parallel and serial concatenation architectures, turbo codes, repeat-accumulate (RA) codes, the turbo principle, turbo decoding, graph-based codes, message-passing decoding, low-density parity check codes, threshold analysis, applications. Students who have taken ECE 259BN may not receive credit for ECE 259B. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 154A-B-C.) Prerequisites: ECE 259A or 259AN; graduate standing.

259C. Advanced Topics in Coding (4)

Advanced topics in coding theory. Course contents vary by instructor. Example course topics: Coded-modulation for bandwidth-efficient data transmission; advanced algebraic and combinatorial coding theory; space-time coding for wireless communications; constrained coding for digital recording. Students who have taken ECE 259CN may not receive credit for ECE 259C. Prerequisites: ECE 259A–B or 259AN–BN; graduate standing.

260A. VLSI Digital System Algorithms and Architectures (4)

Custom and semi-custom VLSI design from both the circuit and system designer’s perspective. MOS transistor theory, circuit characterization, and performance estimation. CMOS logic design will be emphasized. Computer-aided design (CAD) tools for transistor level simulation, layout and verification will be introduced. (Recommended prerequisites: undergraduate-level semiconductor electronics and digital system design, ECE 165 or equivalent.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

260B. VLSI Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (4)

VLSI implementation methodology across block, circuit, and layout levels of abstraction. Circuit building blocks including embedded memory and clock distribution. Computer-aided design (synthesis, place-and-route, verification) and performance analyses, and small-group block implementation projects spanning RTL to tape-out using leading-edge EDA tools. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 165 and ECE 260A.) Prerequisites: ECE 260A; graduate standing.

260C. VLSI Advanced Topics (4)

Advanced topics in design practices and methodologies for modern system-on-chip design. Different design alternatives are introduced and analyzed. Advanced design tools are used to design a hardware-software system. Class discussion, participation, and presentations of projects and special topics assignments are emphasized. Prerequisites: ECE 260B; graduate standing.

264A. CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems I (4)

Frequency response of the basic CMOS gain stage and current mirror configurations. Advanced feedback and stability analysis; compensation techniques. High-Performance CMOS operational amplifier topologies. Analysis of noise and distortion. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 164 and ECE 153, or equivalent courses.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

264B. CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems II (4)

Nonideal effects and their mitigation in high-performance operational amplifiers. Switched-capacitor circuit techniques: CMOS circuit topologies, analysis and mitigation of nonideal effects, and filter synthesis. Overview of CMOS samplers, data converters, and PLLs. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 251A or ECE 251AN.) Prerequisites: ECE 264A; graduate standing.

264C. CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems III (4)

Integrated CMOS analog/digital systems: Analog to digital and digital to analog converters, Nyquist versus oversampling, linearity, jitter, randomization, calibration, speed versus resolution, pipeline, folding, interpolation, averaging. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 163 and 164.) Prerequisites: ECE 264B; graduate standing.

264D. CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems IV (4)

PLL: Phase noise effect, VCO, phase detector, charge pump, integer/fractional-N frequency synthesizer, clock and data recovery, decision feedback. Filter: Continuous-time filter, I-Q complex filter, raised-cosine, Gaussian, delay, zero equalizers. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 163 and 164.) Prerequisites: ECE 264C; graduate standing

265A. Communication Circuit Design I (4)

Introduction to noise and linearity concepts. System budgeting for optimum dynamic range. Frequency plan tradeoffs. Linearity analysis techniques. Down-conversion and up-conversion techniques. Modulation and demodulation. Microwave and RF system design communications. Current research topics in the field. Prerequisites: ECE 166 or consent of instructor.

265B. Communication Circuit Design II (4)

Radio frequency integrated circuits: low-noise amplifiers, AGCs, mixers, filters, voltage-controlled oscillators. BJT and CMOS technologies for radio frequency and microwave applications. Device modeling for radio frequency applications. Design and device tradeoffs of linearity, noise, power dissipation, and dynamic range. Current research topics in the field. Prerequisites: ECE 166 and ECE 265A or consent of instructor.

265C. Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications (4)

Design of power amplifiers for mobile terminals and base-stations, with emphasis on high linearity and efficiency. After a discussion of classical designs (Class A, AB, B, C, D, E, F, and S), linearization procedures are presented and composite architectures (envelope tracking, EER, and Doherty) are covered. Familiarity with basic microwave design and communication system architecture is assumed. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 166.) Prerequisites: ECE 265A and B; consent of instructor.

267. Wireless Embedded and Networked Systems (4)

Study of wireless networked systems from a system design perspective, covering the protocol stack from physical to network layer with a focus on energy. Topics include digital communications, networking and programming, and a basic knowledge of these is recommended. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

270A-B-C. Neurocomputing (4-4-4)

Neurocomputing is the study of biological information processing from an artificial intelligence engineering perspective. This three-quarter sequence covers neural network structures for arbitrary object (perceptual, motor, thought process, abstraction, etc.) representation, learning of pairwise object attribute descriptor antecedent support relationships, the general mechanism of thought, and situationally responsive generation of movements and thoughts. Experimental homework assignments strongly reinforce the fundamental concepts and provide experience with myriad associated technical issues. Prerequisites: graduate standing, an understanding of mathematics through basic linear algebra and probability, or consent of instructor.

271A. Statistical Learning I (4)

Bayesian decision theory; parameter estimation; maximum likelihood; the bias-variance trade-off; Bayesian estimation; the predictive distribution; conjugate and noninformative priors; dimensionality and dimensionality reduction; principal component analysis; Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis; density estimation; parametric vs. kernel-based methods; expectation-maximization; applications. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 109.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

271B. Statistical Learning II (4)

Linear discriminants; the Perceptron; the margin and large margin classifiers; learning theory; empirical vs. structural risk minimization; the VC dimension; kernel functions; reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces; regularization theory; Lagrangian optimization; duality theory; the support vector machine; boosting; Gaussian processes; applications. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 109.) Prerequisites: ECE 271A; graduate standing.

272A. Stochastic Processes in Dynamic Systems (4)

Stochastic processes, focusing on detailed discussion of discrete-time Markov chains. Demonstrate the relationship to dynamic systems under uncertainty, introducing ergodicity, diffusion, estimation, and detection. Extend to continuous-time Markov chains and optimization of stochastic dynamic systems. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 250.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

273. Convex Optimization and Applications (4)

This course covers some convex optimization theory and algorithms. It will mainly focus on recognizing and formulating convex problems, duality, and applications in a variety of fields (system design, pattern recognition, combinatorial optimization, financial engineering, etc.). (Recommended prerequisites: basic linear algebra.)

275A. Parameter Estimation I (4)

Linear least Squares (batch, recursive, total, sparse, pseudoinverse, QR, SVD); Statistical figures of merit (bias, consistency, Cramer-Rao lower-bound, efficiency); Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE); Sufficient statistics; Algorithms for computing the MLE including the Expectation Maximation (EM) algorithm. The problem of missing information; the problem of outliers. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 109 and ECE 153.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

275B. Parameter Estimation II (4)

The Bayesian statistical framework; Parameter and state estimation of Hidden Markov Models, including Kalman Filtering and the Viterbi and Baum-Welsh algorithms. A solid foundation is provided for follow-up courses in Bayesian machine learning theory. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 153.) Prerequisites: ECE 275A; graduate standing.

280. Special Topics in Electronic Devices and Materials/Applied Physics (4)

A course to be given at the discretion of the faculty at which topics of interest in electronic devices and materials or applied physics will be presented by visiting or resident faculty members. Subject matter will not be repeated, may be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

281. Special Topics in Nanoscience/Nanotechnology (4)

A course to be given at the discretion of the faculty at which topics of interest in nanoscience and nanotechnology will be presented by visiting or resident faculty members. Subject matter will not be repeated, may be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

282. Special Topics in Photonics/Applied Optics (4)

A course to be given at the discretion of the faculty at which topics of interest in photonics, optoelectronic materials, devices, systems, and applications will be presented by visiting or resident faculty members. Subject matter will not be repeated, may be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

283. Special Topics in Electronic Circuits and Systems (4)

A course to be given at the discretion of the faculty at which topics of interest in electronic circuits and systems will be presented by visiting or resident faculty members. Subject matter will not be repeated, may be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

284. Special Topics in Computer Engineering (4)

A course to be given at the discretion of the faculty at which topics of interest in computer engineering will be presented by visiting or resident faculty members. Subject matter will not be repeated may be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

285. Special Topics in Signal and Image Processing/Robotics and Control Systems (4)

A course to be given at the discretion of the faculty at which topics of interest in signal and image processing or robotics and control systems will be presented by visiting or resident faculty members. Subject matter will not be repeated, may be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

286. State-of-the-Art Topics in Computational Statistics and Machine Learning (4)

Class discusses both fundamental and state-of-the-art research topics in computational statistics and machine learning. Topics vary based upon current research, and have included: nonparametric Bayesian models; sampling methods for inference in graphical models; Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

287. Special Topics in Communication Theory and Systems (4)

A course to be given at the discretion of the faculty at which topics of interest in information science will be presented by visiting or resident faculty members. It will not be repeated so it may be taken for credit more than once. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

290. Graduate Seminar on Current ECE Research (2)

Weekly discussion of current research conducted in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering by the faculty members involved in the research projects. (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

291. Industry Sponsored Engineering Design Project (4)

Design, build, and demonstrate an engineering project by groups. All students give weekly progress reports on tasks and write final report, with individual exams and presentations. Projects/sponsorships originate from the needs of local industry. May count toward MEng degree. (Recommended prerequisites: ECE 230 or ECE 240 or ECE 251 or ECE 253 or ECE 258 or equivalent.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

292. Graduate Seminar in Electronic Circuits and Systems (2)

Research topics in electronic circuits and systems. Prerequisites: graduate standing.

293. Graduate Seminar in Communication Theory and Systems (2)

Weekly discussion of current research topics in communication theory and systems. (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

294. Graduate Seminar in Electronic Devices and Materials/Applied Physics (2)

Weekly discussion of current research topics in electronic devices and materials or applied solid state physics and quantum electronics. (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

295R. Graduate Seminar in Signal and Image Processing/Robotics and Control Systems (2)

Weekly discussion of research topics in signal and image processing of robotics and control systems. (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

296. Graduate Seminar in Photonics/Applied Optics (2)

Weekly discussion of current research topics in photonics and applied optics, including imaging, photonic communications, sensing, energy and signal processing. (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

297. Graduate Seminar in Nanoscience/Nanotechnology (2)

Weekly discussion of current research topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology. (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: graduate standing.

298. Independent Study (1–16)

Open to properly qualified graduate students who wish to pursue a problem through advanced study under the direction of a member of the staff. (S/U grades only.) Prerequisites: consent of instructor.

299. Research (1–16)

(S/U grade only.)

501. Teaching (1–4)

Teaching and tutorial activities associated with courses and seminars. Number of units for credit depends on number of hours devoted to class or section assistance. (S/U grade only.) Prerequisites: consent of department chair.
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